Heart Stopper at Sea

Heart Stopper at Sea

This claim example looks at an incident involving an Insured who experienced heart difficulties whilst at sea. The article examines both the incident and the response by Batch Assist, made possible by Batch's Corporate Travel product.


An emergency call was received at the Batch Assist operations centre from an Insured who was traveling on a vessel for work purposes at sea. Batch Assist was advised that an Insured crew member on the vessel was experiencing severe chest pain.


Given the crew member’s age and symptoms, an onshore doctor was consulted, and a Medevac was activated by Batch Assist operations.

Due to limited daylight hours remaining, the Captain of the vessel was advised to begin moving towards a mainland port that had a regional hospital, and importantly, easier access for the Medevac.

The Medevac team advised due to the vessel being unlikely to make land by sunrise, that a Helicopter would locate the vessel at their position at first light the following morning.

Continual contact was made between the vessel and Batch Assist throughout the night to ensure the Insured was supported and had access to medical advice.

The Insured was taken ashore at first light to a waiting ambulance, transferred and admitted to a local hospital for tests and care.

The crew member stabilised and was discharged a few days later.

Batch Product

Batch Corporate Travel product provides Medical and Medical Evacuation Expenses for this type of event.

If an Insured Person whilst Travelling incurs Medical Expenses, we will pay the Insured Person for those expenses, provided that they are incurred outside of the Insured Person’s Country of Residence.

Batch Corporate Travel product provides Overseas Emergency Transportation Services if during Travel an Insured Person suffers an Injury or Sickness that necessitates emergency air, land, or water transportation to another location to obtain necessary medical treatment or repatriation to Country of Residence.