

Delivering a responsive and seamless claims process

'When the unexpected occurs, our dedicated claims specialists’ step in to guide you through the claims process. We understand that this can be a difficult and distressing time, so we prioritize providing the support you need. Whether it's facilitating quick financial assistance or coordinating necessary medical support while you're away from home, we are committed to ensuring our Batch clients return safely.'
Andrew Batchelar, CEO, Batch

Lodging a claim:

So we can assess your claim as quickly as possible, please ensure you use the correct form relating to your particular type of policy. Complete the compulsory and relevant sections of the form and provide any listed supporting documentation. If you require any assistance in preparing these documents, give us a call on 1800 956 556, as we are here to help you.

Claims can be lodged via:

POST: Claims at Batch Underwriting Level 3, 85 William Street Darlinghurst, 2010 NSW, Australia

For any other enquiries, please contact Batch during business hours on 1800 956 556.

For emergency assistance:

In a medical emergency or if your personal safety is in danger, call Batch Assist reverse charge, 24/7, 365 days a year and from anywhere in the world.

Call: +61 2 9312 5163

Your people are your most valuable asset...

if things go wrong, we’ll make it right.

‘Our dedication to ensuring a fast, smooth claims process makes all the difference when people are faced with challenging circumstances.’